How do I install the google-talkplugin?
Starting in Ubuntu 11.10 multi-arch is used for applications that formerly used ia32-libs
gtalk & Google plus are the same plugin. They are are comprised of a 64-bit plugin plus a 32-bit daemon - and use the deprecated ia32-libs, it will be up to Google to update their package at some point.
Under Ubuntu 11.10 amd64 users should continue to use the 64-bit .deb available from on amd64 systems, as the 32-bit .deb cannot be used without additional modifications to the system at this time.
Once downloaded the plugin can be installed by either:
- Clicking open in the browser;
- Open the file manger, navigate to
and double click on the google plugin deb file;
Either method will open the Software Center to complete the installation. If you receive a dependency error, make sure you have selected Universe in your software sources.
Here is a hacky way to handle this:
- Download the 64-bit .deb from:
Create a tmp dir:
mkdir tmp
Extract the contents of the .deb to the tmp dir:
dpkg-deb -x google-talkplugin_current_amd64.deb tmp
Extract the control files:
dpkg-deb --control google-talkplugin_current_amd64.deb tmp/DEBIAN
Fix the dependency:
sed -i "s/lib32v4l-0/libv4l-0/" tmp/DEBIAN/control
Repackage the .deb:
dpkg -b tmp google-talkplugin_current_amd64-fixed.deb
Install the fixed version:
sudo dpkg -i google-talkplugin_current_amd64-fixed.deb
Go to Google to fix their .deb file for 64-bit Oneiric:
For ubuntu 14 - there seems to be a bug in the software center, so you'll need to download the file from google servers:
and then use the command line to install the .deb file. Browse to downloads folder:
cd ~/Downloads/
Install .deb file via command line:
sudo dpkg -i <google-talk-file.deb>