How do I know my KDE version?
In modern Kubuntu there is an Info Center app which you can find in K menu -> Applications -> System -> Info Center or start from console using kinfocenter
. It shows Plasma version, Frameworks version, Qt version and other useful info.
A command-line solution for KDE/Plasma 5:
$ plasmashell --version
plasmashell 5.9.4
$ kf5-config --version
Qt: 5.7.1
KDE Frameworks: 5.31.0
kf5-config: 1.0
Previous answer for older KDE versions:
Start any "standard" KDE program, such as Konsole or Kate and select Help - About KDE
If you want to do the same from the command line, you can invoke any "standard" KDE program with --version
(or -v
) parameter. The program then will print the version and exit:
# kate --version
Qt: 4.8.6
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.2
Kate: 3.14.2
# konsole --version
Qt: 4.8.6
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.2
Konsole: 2.14.2
# plasma-desktop --version
Qt: 4.8.6
KDE Development Platform: 4.13.3
Plasma Desktop Shell: 4.11.11
On kde5 I have resorted to this in scripts:
dpkg -l | grep plasma-desktop\ | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d'-' -f1
Or, shorten version of command:
dpkg -l | awk -F"[:-]" '/plasma-desktop\s/{print $3}'
Open any KDE related program, like Dolphin, Kmail or even System Monitor, not a program like Chrome or Firefox. Then click on the Help
option in the menu and then click on About KDE
. That will tell your your version.