How do I limit Kendo UI Web Upload To allow only a single upload?

You must multiple property of kendo upload set value to false;
for example @(Html.Kendo().Upload().Multiple(false))

After I was given the requirement to prevent multiple uploads I stumbled across this page.
"multiple" set to FALSE works just fine if it is done correctly.

(While you CAN use the Kendo Razor syntax, notice when you view the page source that the .Kendo() actually gets converted to .kendoUpload

Thus I prefer this syntax in javascript (after the @using):

@using Kendo.Mvc.UI;

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
        async: {
            saveUrl: '@Url.Action("Save", "Upload", new { typeOfUploadedFile= @Model.DocName.ToString(), @proposalNo = @Model.ProposalNo.ToString(),  area = ""})',
            removeUrl: '@Url.Action("Remove", "Upload")',
            autoUpload: true


After a little bit of thinking over the weekend (and a long weekend of vacation to relax), it hit me... Changing the singleFile function to the following will disable the control after the file is uploaded.

function singleFile(e) {
  var upload = $("#resumeAttachments").data("kendoUpload");

  // disables the upload after upload