How do I list available methods on a given object or package in Perl?

if you have a package that is using Moose its reasonably simple:

print PackageNameHere->meta->dump;

And for more complete data:

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper( PackageNameHere->meta ); 

Will get you started. For everything else, theres the methods that appear on ->meta that are documented in Class::MOP::Class

You can do a bit of AdHoc faking of moose goodness for packages without it with:

use Class::MOP::Class;
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize( PackageNameHere );

and then proceed to use the Class::MOP methods like you would with Moose.

For starters:


use Moose; #, its awesome.

If you have a package called Foo, this should do it:

no strict 'refs';
for(keys %Foo::) { # All the symbols in Foo's symbol table
  print "$_\n" if exists &{"Foo::$_"}; # check if symbol is method
use strict 'refs';

Alternatively, to get a list of all methods in package Foo:

no strict 'refs';
my @methods = grep { defined &{"Foo::$_"} } keys %Foo::;
use strict 'refs';

There are (rather too) many ways to do this in Perl because there are so many ways to do things in Perl. As someone commented, autoloaded methods will always be a bit tricky. However, rather than rolling your own approach I would suggest that you take a look at Class::Inspector on CPAN. That will let you do something like:

my $methods =   Class::Inspector->methods( 'Foo::Class', 'full', 'public' );