How do I make a column unique and index it in a Ruby on Rails migration?
rails generate migration add_index_to_table_name column_name:uniq
rails generate migration add_column_name_to_table_name column_name:string:uniq:index
class AddIndexToModerators < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :moderators, :username, :string
add_index :moderators, :username, unique: true
If you're adding an index to an existing column, remove or comment the add_column
line, or put in a check
add_column :moderators, :username, :string unless column_exists? :moderators, :username
The short answer for old versions of Rails (see other answers for Rails 4+):
add_index :table_name, :column_name, unique: true
To index multiple columns together, you pass an array of column names instead of a single column name,
add_index :table_name, [:column_name_a, :column_name_b], unique: true
If you get "index name... is too long", you can add name: "whatever"
to the add_index method to make the name shorter.
For fine-grained control, there's a "execute
" method that executes straight SQL.
That's it!
If you are doing this as a replacement for regular old model validations, check to see how it works. The error reporting to the user will likely not be as nice without model-level validations. You can always do both.