How do I make a sentence vertical in the middle of a horizontal sentence?

Two options:

  1. One can manually stack the sentence in a \Longunderstack; or

  2. One can stick a \parbox to let the "vertical" sentence auto-format.

Here is the MWE:

Here is a sentence.  Here is another 
\Longunderstack[l]{sentence\cr that will be\cr vertical.\cr Nice.}

Next paragraph.

Here is a sentence.  Here is another 
\parbox[t]{.7in}{\raggedright sentence that will be vertical. Nice.}

enter image description here

Here's an implementation based on tabular, with some trick for keeping the interline spacing.


% this is just for showing the interline spacing is correct
  \makebox[0pt][l]{\vrule height 0pt depth 0.1pt width \textwidth}%



Here is a sentence. Here is another 
sentence \\
that will be \\
vertical. \\




The \checkrule macro is used for showing the alignment of lines with or without the special environment.

enter image description here

What about \hangindent?


    \noindent Here is a sentence. 
    Here is another sentence that will be vertical. 

