How do I move values out of an array one at a time?

Rust 2021 (available from Rust 1.56)

You can iterate the array with a for loop:

fn main() {
    let v: [Foo; 3] = [Foo, Foo, Foo];

    for a in v {

struct Foo;
fn bar(_: Foo) {}

Rust 1.51

You can use std::array::IntoIter to get a by-value array iterator:

use std::array::IntoIter;

fn main() {
    let v: [Foo; 3] = [Foo, Foo, Foo];

    for a in IntoIter::new(v) {

struct Foo;
fn bar(_: Foo) {}

Previous Rust versions

The core thing you would need is some way of getting the value out of the array without moving it.

This can be done using mem::transmute to convert the array to an array of mem::MaybeUninit, then using ptr::read to leave the value in the array but get an owned value back:

let one = unsafe {
    let v = mem::transmute::<_, [MaybeUninit<Foo>; 3]>(v);

It's just a matter of doing this a few times in a loop and you are good to go.

There's just one tiny problem: you see that unsafe? You guessed it; this is totally, horribly broken in the wider case:

  • MaybeUninit does nothing when it is dropped; this can lead to memory leaks.
  • If a panic happens in the middle of moving the values out (such as somewhere within the bar function), the array will be in a partially-uninitialized state. This is another (subtle) path where the MaybeUninit can be dropped, so now we have to know which values the array still owns and which have been moved out. We are responsible for freeing the values we still own and not the others.
  • Nothing prevents us from accidentally accessing the newly-invalidated values in the array ourselves.

The right solution is to track how many of the values in the array are valid / invalid. When the array is dropped, you can drop the remaining valid items and ignore the invalid ones. It'd also be really nice if we could make this work for arrays of different sizes...

Which is where arrayvec comes in. It doesn't have the exact same implementation (because it's smarter), but it does have the same semantics:

use arrayvec::ArrayVec; // 0.5.2

struct Foo;

fn bar(foo: Foo) {
    println!("{:?}", foo)

fn main() {
    let v = ArrayVec::from([Foo, Foo, Foo]);

    for f in v {

You may use array of Option<Foo> instead array of Foo. It has some memory penalty of course. Function take() replaces value in array with None.

struct Foo;

// A method that needs an owned Foo
fn bar(foo: Foo) { println!("{:?}", foo); }

fn main() {
    let mut v  = [Some(Foo),Some(Foo),Some(Foo)];

    for a in &mut v {
        a.take().map(|x| bar(x));

Using the non-lexical lifetimes feature (available since Rust 1.31.0) and a fixed-length slice pattern (available since Rust 1.26.0) you can move out of an array:

struct Foo;

fn bar(foo: Foo) {
    println!("{:?}", foo);

fn main() {
    let v: [Foo; 3] = [Foo, Foo, Foo];
    let [a, b, c] = v;


However, this solution does not scale well if the array is big.

An alternative, if you don't mind the extra allocation, is to box the array and convert it into a Vec:

fn main() {
    let v: [Foo; 3] = [Foo, Foo, Foo];
    let v = Vec::from(Box::new(v) as Box<[_]>);

    for a in v {

If the array is very big, that may be an issue. But then, if the array is very big, you should not be creating it in the stack in the first place!



