How do I pass option flags to Folder.CopyHere in PowerShell?

I had the same problem and found this in another thread, Worked perfectly for me.

If you want it to overwrite AND be silent change 0x10 to 0x14 (docs).

$destinationFolder.CopyHere($zipPackage.Items(), 0x14)

You can use 4 -bor 16. It is hard to tell what this method expects since the type is VARIANT. I would have thought that it would take an integer value. If that doesn't work, this comment from the MSDN topic on Folder.CopyHere implies that a string should work:

function CopyFileProgress
    param( $Source, $DstFolder, $CopyType = 0 )

    # Convert the decimal to hex
    $copyFlag = [String]::Format("{0:x}", $CopyType)

    $objShell = New-Object -ComObject "Shell.Application"
    $objFolder = $objShell.NameSpace($DestLocation) 
    $objFolder.CopyHere($Source, $copyFlag)

Although I wonder if the format string should be "0x{0:x}"?

Just be aware that for normal .NET flags style enums, you can pass multiple flags to a .NET (or command parameter) that is strongly typed to the enum like so:


Oisin has written up some info on this subject in this blog post.


