How do I paste a column of text after a different column of text in Vim?

If you're on a Mac and can't figure out why the paste is inserting the block in new lines, it's because you're using the system pasteboard.

No problem, just yank/paste with buffers:

  1. Ctrlv - select what you want to yank
  2. "lettery - yank into letter buffer
  3. Go to where you want to paste
  4. "letterp - paste from letter buffer

Make sure that letter is not + as that is the system pasteboard buffer and thus it will have the same effect.

I was wondering why "visual block mode" wasn't working for me. The key is to yank (or delete) in visual mode.

I find myself needing to copy some stuff from excel columns having variable lengths. Here's how I do it:

Donald Knuth
Sebastian Thrun
Peter Norvig
Satoshi Nakamoto


Let's say you want to put the second column after the first.

  1. Yank it in visual mode:
    • Move cursor to the beginning of Age
    • Press Ctrl + v to enter visual mode
    • Move cursor to 5 in 45
    • Press y to yank (or d to delete)

You have now yanked in visual mode.

  1. Paste (in normal mode)

    • Move to the end of the first line and add more spaces because it's shorter than the second line for example. If you paste a "block" without adding extra spaces, it will overwrite the "run" in Sebastian Thrun.

    • Now you're on the first line, insert a few spaces after the last character. Make sure you're not in insert mode and hit p to paste the block. (If you want to paste in insert mode, use ctrl+r ")

enter image description here

Use visual block (ctrl-v) to cut the letter column. Then move to the first line of the number column. Move to the end and make one space. Then paste the letter column.

You have:



Move your cursor onto the a. Then CTRL+V, and move your cursor to i. Press y.

Next, add a space after the 3 character, and press p.


