How do I print out a tree structure?

With Recursion

You'll need to keep track of an indentation string that's modified as you go deeper into the tree. To avoid adding extra | characters, you'll also need to know whether the Node is the last child in that set.

public static void PrintTree(Node tree, String indent, Bool last)
    Console.Write(indent + "+- " + tree.Name);
    indent += last ? "   " : "|  ";

    for (int i = 0; i < tree.Children.Count; i++)
        PrintTree(tree.Children[i], indent, i == tree.Children.Count - 1);

When called like this:

PrintTree(node, "", true)

It will output text like this:

+- root
   +- branch-A
   |  +- sibling-X
   |  |  +- grandchild-A
   |  |  +- grandchild-B
   |  +- sibling-Y
   |  |  +- grandchild-C
   |  |  +- grandchild-D
   |  +- sibling-Z
   |     +- grandchild-E
   |     +- grandchild-F
   +- branch-B
      +- sibling-J
      +- sibling-K

Without Recursion

If you happen to have a very deep tree and your call stack size is limited, you can instead do a static, non-recursive tree traversal to output the same result:

public static void PrintTree(Node tree)
    List<Node> firstStack = new List<Node>();

    List<List<Node>> childListStack = new List<List<Node>>();

    while (childListStack.Count > 0)
        List<Node> childStack = childListStack[childListStack.Count - 1];

        if (childStack.Count == 0)
            childListStack.RemoveAt(childListStack.Count - 1);
            tree = childStack[0];

            string indent = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < childListStack.Count - 1; i++)
                indent += (childListStack[i].Count > 0) ? "|  " : "   ";

            Console.WriteLine(indent + "+- " + tree.Name);

            if (tree.Children.Count > 0)
                childListStack.Add(new List<Node>(tree.Children));

The trick is to pass a string as the indent and to treat the last child specially:

class Node
   public void PrintPretty(string indent, bool last)
       if (last)
           indent += "  ";
           indent += "| ";

       for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++)
           Children[i].PrintPretty(indent, i == Children.Count - 1);

If called like this:

root.PrintPretty("", true);

will output in this style:

        | |-child
        | \-child
        |   |-child
        |   |-child
        |   |-child
        |   \-child
        |     \-child
        |       \-child
          | \-child

Create PrintNode method and use recursion:

class Node
    public string Name;
    public decimal Time;
    public List<Node> Children = new List<Node>();

    public void PrintNode(string prefix)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} : {2}", prefix, this.Name, this.Time);
        foreach (Node n in Children)
            if (Children.IndexOf(n) == Children.Count - 1)
                n.PrintNode(prefix + "    ");
                n.PrintNode(prefix + "   |");

ANd then to print the whole tree just execute:


In my example it would give us something like that:

 + top : 123
   | + Node 1 : 29
   |   | + subnode 0 : 90
   |   |     + sdhasj : 232
   |   | + subnode 1 : 38
   |   | + subnode 2 : 49
   |   | + subnode 8 : 39
   |     + subnode 9 : 47
     + Node 2 : 51
       | + subnode 0 : 89
       |     + sdhasj : 232
       | + subnode 1 : 33
         + subnode 3 : 57