How do I print to PDF from wine?

The answer is cups-pdf

sudo apt-get install cups-pdf

or from Ubuntu 16.04 on

sudo apt-get install printer-driver-cups-pdf

If there's no such folder, create PDF at your home:

mkdir ~/PDF

Now you're set to go. From MS Word, do Print -> Select PDF as printer -> wait for the printing to complete (it takes some time).

cups-pdf didn't work properly for me, here's what I did:

Download the official extension from Microsoft's website. It didn't work for me eihter initially, but this is because I have Microsoft Office installed in a separate Wine prefix.

To find out if you have Word installed in a separate prefix, look at the file ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Microsoft Office/Microsoft Office Word 2007.desktop. Locate the line that starts with "Exec". On my system it looks like this:

Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/rune/.wine_office2007" wine C:\\\\windows\\\\command\\\\start.exe /Unix /home/rune/.wine_office2007/dosdevices/c:/users/rune/Start\\ Menu/Programs/Microsoft\\ Office/Microsoft\\ Office\\ Word\\ 2007.lnk

From this I can see that Office is installed in the prefix /home/rune/.wine_office2007.

Now go to the folder where you downloaded the official PDF add-on. And run the .exe file using the following command, replacing <prefix> with the prefix in the "Exec" line of your Word .desktop file.:

WINEPREFIX="<prefix>" wine SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe

In my case the prefix is /home/rune/.wine_office2007, so the command to install the add-on becomes:

WINEPREFIX="/home/rune/.wine_office2007" wine SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe

After doing this, restart Word, and you should see the option to save as a PDF in the Save As file menu.

I support runeks' answer.

However, I kept having problems installing the SaveAsPDF.exe extension - it never showed up as being installed.

I finally realized that I had used PlayOnLinux to install Office rather than pure Wine, and this meant using the PoL Wine prefix.

This thread (in Italian!) helped me solve it:

Basically had to look in my /home/name/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix folder to discover the correct WINEPREFIX path, then used that to run the .exe file.