How do I provide URL access to the latest snapshot of an artifact in Nexus 2.x?

on my nexus machine all results for :


are like this: *

so I can't access it directly because I need to provide more details that are dynamic.

The example with "...redirect?r=central-proxy&g=log4j&a=log4j&v=LATEST" is working if I open in browser but not when I what to install it from some linux machine using:

/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin --url "http://localhost:8081/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=snapshots&g=com.comapny.application&a=elasticsearch-river-mongodb&v=1.2.3-SNAPSHOT&p=zip" --install river-mongodb

So my temporary solution is using wget :

wget -O /tmp/ "http://nexushost.domain/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=snapshots&g=com.comapny.application&a=elasticsearch-river-mongodb&v=1.2.3-SNAPSHOT&p=zip"

then install LATEST version from local file.

Please note

  • this answer relates to Nexus 2.X
  • There is a noticeable performance impact of using the restlet API to download large artifacts, see:

The core Nexus "redirect" REST API can be used to retrieve any version of an artifact from a nominated repository:

For example:

The v parameter can be a value like 1.0-SNAPSHOT, in which case Maven will return the latest time-stamped snapshot held in the repository. Similiarily the special value "LATEST" should do the same provided a more recent released version is not present.


