How do I pump window messages in a nodejs addon?

I needed to do this for Canon's EDSDK, which requires a message pump.

libuv's uv_idle_t is a good candidate for this:

Despite the name, idle handles will get their callbacks called on every loop iteration, not when the loop is actually “idle”


#include <uv.h>

uv_idle_t* idle = new uv_idle_t();
uv_idle_init(uv_default_loop(), idle);
uv_idle_start(idle, idle_winmsg);

void idle_winmsg (uv_idle_t* idle) {
    MSG msg;
    if(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))

My mistake was trying to create the window on the V8 thread. Instead, uv_thread_create should be used to call a function that creates the window on a new thread and then proceeds to do its own message pump loop.

The wndproc function then needs to save received messages into a queue in a thread-safe manner and then use uv_async_send to notify the V8 thread that messages have arrived.

A function on the V8 thread (which was passed to uv_async_init) is then invoked after messages are enqueued. The function (thread-safely) pops each pending message off the queue and invokes the JS callback.