How do I raise an error from if activity in ADFV2?
I have found the easiest way to throw an error is to do a SQL lookup on the following query:
THROW 99999, 'Error message thrown', 1
For us, we make extensive use of Azure Function Apps, so we created a special function called "ThrowError" that throws an error with a message provided as a parameter. That is the easiest only if you already use Azure Function Apps, not worth it to just create the one function.
I have the similar scenario and I manage that with SqlStoreProcedure.
"storedProcedureName": "sp_executesql", "storedProcedureParameters": { "stmt": { "value": "Declare @err_msg NVARCHAR(150)SET @err_msg=N'Error occurred in this pipeline somehow somewhere something. Best regards. EXISTSCheers'RAISERROR(@err_msg,15,1)", "type": "string" } }
StoredProcedureName: sp_executesql
StoredProcedureParameter: stmt
Value: Declare @err_msg NVARCHAR (150) SET @err_msg=N'Error occurred in this pipeline somehow somewhere something. Best regards. EXISTSCheers'RAISERROR (@err_msg,15,1) (of course you can change error text:)
Type: string
I use a Set Variable Task to achieve this.
In the variable expression, I divide by zero. This throws an error which propigates up my pipeline(s) as needed. Most generic way I could think to do it.
"name": "Throw Error",
"description": "You can't throw an error in DF so I try to divide by zero. :)",
"type": "SetVariable",
"dependsOn": [],
"userProperties": [],
"typeProperties": {
"variableName": "ThrowError",
"value": {
"value": "@div(1,0)",
"type": "Expression"