How do I read the output of a child process without blocking in Rust?

If Unix support is sufficient, you can also make the two output streams as non-blocking and poll over them as you would do it on TcpStream with the set_nonblocking function.

The ChildStdout and ChildStderr returned by the Command spawn are Stdio (and contain a file descriptor), you can modify directly the read behavior of these handle to make it non-blocking.

Based on the work of jcreekmore/timeout-readwrite-rs and anowell/nonblock-rs, I use this wrapper to modify the stream handles:

extern crate libc;
use std::io::Read;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use libc::{F_GETFL, F_SETFL, fcntl, O_NONBLOCK};

fn set_nonblocking<H>(handle: &H, nonblocking: bool) -> std::io::Result<()>
    H: Read + AsRawFd,
    let fd = handle.as_raw_fd();
    let flags = unsafe { fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0) };
    if flags < 0 {
        return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error());
    let flags = if nonblocking{
        flags | O_NONBLOCK
    } else {
        flags & !O_NONBLOCK
    let res = unsafe { fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) };
    if res != 0 {
        return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error());

You can manage the two streams as any other non-blocking stream. The following example is based on the polling crate which makes really easy to handle read event and BufReader for line reading:

use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead};
use std::thread;
extern crate polling;
use polling::{Event, Poller};

fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
    let path = PathBuf::from("./").canonicalize()?;

    let mut child = Command::new(path)
        .expect("Failed to start worker");

    let handle = thread::spawn({
        let stdout = child.stdout.take().unwrap();
        set_nonblocking(&stdout, true)?;
        let mut reader_out = BufReader::new(stdout);

        let stderr = child.stderr.take().unwrap();
        set_nonblocking(&stderr, true)?;
        let mut reader_err = BufReader::new(stderr);

        move || {
            let key_out = 1;
            let key_err = 2;
            let mut out_closed = false;
            let mut err_closed = false;

            let poller = Poller::new().unwrap();
            poller.add(reader_out.get_ref(), Event::readable(key_out)).unwrap();
            poller.add(reader_err.get_ref(), Event::readable(key_err)).unwrap();

            let mut line = String::new();
            let mut events = Vec::new();
            loop {
                // Wait for at least one I/O event.
                poller.wait(&mut events, None).unwrap();

                for ev in &events {
                    // stdout is ready for reading
                    if ev.key == key_out {
                        let len = match reader_out.read_line(&mut line) {
                            Ok(len) => len,
                            Err(e) => {
                                println!("stdout read returned error: {}", e);
                        if len == 0 {
                            println!("stdout closed (len is null)");
                            out_closed = true;
                        } else {
                            print!("[STDOUT] {}", line);
                            // reload the poller
                            poller.modify(reader_out.get_ref(), Event::readable(key_out)).unwrap();

                    // stderr is ready for reading
                    if ev.key == key_err {
                        let len = match reader_err.read_line(&mut line) {
                            Ok(len) => len,
                            Err(e) => {
                                println!("stderr read returned error: {}", e);
                        if len == 0 {
                            println!("stderr closed (len is null)");
                            err_closed = true;
                        } else {
                            print!("[STDERR] {}", line);
                            // reload the poller
                            poller.modify(reader_err.get_ref(), Event::readable(key_err)).unwrap();

                if out_closed && err_closed {
                    println!("Stream closed, exiting process thread");


Additionally, used with a wrapper over an EventFd, it becomes possible to easily stop the process from another thread without blocking nor active polling and uses and only a single thread.

EDIT: It seems the polling crate sets automatically the polled handles in non-blocking mode following my tests. The set_nonblocking function is still useful in case you want to directly use the nix::poll object.

Tokio's Command

Here is an example of using tokio 0.2:

use std::process::Stdio;
use futures::StreamExt; // 0.3.1
use tokio::{io::BufReader, prelude::*, process::Command}; // 0.2.4, features = ["full"]

async fn main() {
    let mut cmd = Command::new("/tmp/slow.bash")
        .stdout(Stdio::piped()) // Can do the same for stderr
        .expect("cannot spawn");

    let stdout = cmd.stdout().take().expect("no stdout");
    // Can do the same for stderr

    // To print out each line
    // BufReader::new(stdout)
    //     .lines()
    //     .for_each(|s| async move { println!("> {:?}", s) })
    //     .await;

    // To print out each line *and* collect it all into a Vec
    let result: Vec<_> = BufReader::new(stdout)
        .inspect(|s| println!("> {:?}", s))

    println!("All the lines: {:?}", result);


Here is an example of using tokio 0.1 and tokio-threadpool. We start the process in a thread using the blocking function. We convert that to a stream with stream::poll_fn

use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use tokio::{prelude::*, runtime::Runtime}; // 0.1.18
use tokio_threadpool; // 0.1.13

fn stream_command_output(
    mut command: Command,
) -> impl Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = tokio_threadpool::BlockingError> {
    // Ensure that the output is available to read from and start the process
    let mut child = command
        .expect("cannot spawn");
    let mut stdout = child.stdout.take().expect("no stdout");

    // Create a stream of data
    stream::poll_fn(move || {
        // Perform blocking IO
        tokio_threadpool::blocking(|| {
            // Allocate some space to store anything read
            let mut data = vec![0; 128];
            // Read 1-128 bytes of data
            let n_bytes_read = data).expect("cannot read");

            if n_bytes_read == 0 {
                // Stdout is done
            } else {
                // Only return as many bytes as we read

fn main() {
    let output_stream = stream_command_output(Command::new("/tmp/slow.bash"));

    let mut runtime = Runtime::new().expect("Unable to start the runtime");

    let result = runtime.block_on({
            .map(|d| String::from_utf8(d).expect("Not UTF-8"))
            .fold(Vec::new(), |mut v, s| {
                print!("> {}", s);

    println!("All the lines: {:?}", result);

There's numerous possible tradeoffs that can be made here. For example, always allocating 128 bytes isn't ideal, but it's simple to implement.


For reference, here's slow.bash:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eu


while [[ $val -lt 10 ]]; do
    echo $val
    val=$(($val + 1))
    sleep 1

See also:

  • How do I synchronously return a value calculated in an asynchronous Future in stable Rust?

Streams are blocking by default. TCP/IP streams, filesystem streams, pipe streams, they are all blocking. When you tell a stream to give you a chunk of bytes it will stop and wait till it has the given amout of bytes or till something else happens (an interrupt, an end of stream, an error).

The operating systems are eager to return the data to the reading process, so if all you want is to wait for the next line and handle it as soon as it comes in then the method suggested by Shepmaster in Unable to pipe to or from spawned child process more than once (and also in his answer here) works.
Though in theory it doesn't have to work, because an operating system is allowed to make the BufReader wait for more data in read, but in practice the operating systems prefer the early "short reads" to waiting.

This simple BufReader-based approach becomes even more dangerous when you need to handle multiple streams (like the stdout and stderr of a child process) or multiple processes. For example, BufReader-based approach might deadlock when a child process waits for you to drain its stderr pipe while your process is blocked waiting on it's empty stdout.

Similarly, you can't use BufReader when you don't want your program to wait on the child process indefinitely. Maybe you want to display a progress bar or a timer while the child is still working and gives you no output.

You can't use BufReader-based approach if your operating system happens not to be eager in returning the data to the process (prefers "full reads" to "short reads") because in that case a few last lines printed by the child process might end up in a gray zone: the operating system got them, but they're not large enough to fill the BufReader's buffer.

BufReader is limited to what the Read interface allows it to do with the stream, it's no less blocking than the underlying stream is. In order to be efficient it will read the input in chunks, telling the operating system to fill as much of its buffer as it has available.

You might be wondering why reading data in chunks is so important here, why can't the BufReader just read the data byte by byte. The problem is that to read the data from a stream we need the operating system's help. On the other hand, we are not the operating system, we work isolated from it, so as not to mess with it if something goes wrong with our process. So in order to call to the operating system there needs to be a transition to "kernel mode" which might also incur a "context switch". That is why calling the operating system to read every single byte is expensive. We want as few OS calls as possible and so we get the stream data in batches.

To wait on a stream without blocking you'd need a non-blocking stream. MIO promises to have the required non-blocking stream support for pipes, most probably with PipeReader, but I haven't checked it out so far.

The non-blocking nature of a stream should make it possible to read data in chunks regardless of whether the operating system prefers the "short reads" or not. Because non-blocking stream never blocks. If there is no data in the stream it simply tells you so.

In the absense of a non-blocking stream you'll have to resort to spawning threads so that the blocking reads would be performed in a separate thread and thus won't block your primary thread. You might also want to read the stream byte by byte in order to react to the line separator immediately in case the operating system does not prefer the "short reads". Here's a working example:

P.S. Here's an example of a function that allows to monitor the standard output of a program via a shared vector of bytes:

use std::io::Read;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;

/// Pipe streams are blocking, we need separate threads to monitor them without blocking the primary thread.
fn child_stream_to_vec<R>(mut stream: R) -> Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>
    R: Read + Send + 'static,
    let out = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
    let vec = out.clone();
        .spawn(move || loop {
            let mut buf = [0];
            match buf) {
                Err(err) => {
                    println!("{}] Error reading from stream: {}", line!(), err);
                Ok(got) => {
                    if got == 0 {
                    } else if got == 1 {
                    } else {
                        println!("{}] Unexpected number of bytes: {}", line!(), got);

fn main() {
    let mut cat = Command::new("cat")

    let out = child_stream_to_vec(cat.stdout.take().expect("!stdout"));
    let err = child_stream_to_vec(cat.stderr.take().expect("!stderr"));
    let mut stdin = match cat.stdin.take() {
        Some(stdin) => stdin,
        None => panic!("!stdin"),

With a couple of helpers I'm using it to control an SSH session:

try_s! (stdin.write_all (b"echo hello world\n"));
try_s! (wait_forˢ (&out, 0.1, 9., |s| s == "hello world\n"));

P.S. Note that await on a read call in async-std is blocking as well. It's just instead of blocking a system thread it only blocks a chain of futures (a stack-less green thread essentially). The poll_read is the non-blocking interface. In async-std#499 I've asked the developers whether there's a short read guarantee from these APIs.

P.S. There might be a similar concern in Nom: "we would want to tell the IO side to refill according to the parser's result (Incomplete or not)"

P.S. Might be interesting to see how stream reading is implemented in crossterm. For Windows, in, they are using the native WaitForMultipleObjects. In they are using mio poll.

I have encountered enough use-cases where it was useful to interact with a subprocess over line-delimited text that I wrote a crate for it, interactive_process.

I expect the original problem has long since been solved, but I thought it might be helpful to others.