How do I record and run multiple find/replace with Sublime Text 2?
Yes, Reg Replace is the way to do it. After installing that package, the way to do it is:
- Edit <your Sublime Text Directory>/Packages/RegReplace/reg_replace.sublime-settings (you can access this in ST2 at Preferences > Package Settings > Reg Replace > Settings – Default). Create new entries in the "replacements" object, each one being a single regex find/replace. Note that you have to doubly escape special characters. For example,
{ "replacements": { "do_something_1": { "find": "\\s*\\t\\s*", "replace": "\\t", "greedy": true, "case": false }, "do_something_2": { "find": "\\n\\n+", "replace": "\\n", "greedy": true, "case": false }, ...
- String those individual replacements together into a command for the Command Palette. To do this, edit the file <your Sublime Text Directory>/RegReplace/Default.sublime-commands (Preferences > Package Settings > Reg Replace > Commands – Default). Add something like this:
[ { "caption": "Reg Replace: My RegEx Macro", "command": "reg_replace", "args": { "replacements": [ "do_something_1", "do_something_2" ] } }, ...
Then all you have to do is invoke the command palette by hitting Ctrl+Shift+P and browse to your newly created command.
For reference, on my Windows 7 installation, the Sublime Text directory is at C:/Users//AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 2/