How do I remove checkbox border?

I know this is a late answer, but a CSS expert I work with gave me this way to get rid of the border around a checkbox (and probably radio button) in IE10:

  • Set the border color to the same color as the page's background.
  • Apply a box-shadow of "none" to it.

That's it. Worked like a charm!

As this is the first result for me when searching for "remove checkbox border" in Google, let me mention that checkbox default styling could be removed in all browsers except IE with the appearance property:

-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;

For FireFox: try border:none. For IE try: style="background:transparent;border:0"

The other solution is to create your own images for checked and unchecked displaying the appropriate onclick of the image.

Unfortunately, its not possible to remove borders on browser native checkboxes (it will not work in all browsers), You will have to write your own checkbox-like state widget to implement this. Check out Nice forms if you want to style your regular form controls with custom styling



