How do I save and restore a File object in local storage

Here is a workaround that I got working with the code below. I'm aware with your edit you talked about localStorage but I wanted to share how I actually implemented that workaround. I like to put the functions on body so that even if the class is added afterwards via AJAX the "change" command will still trigger the event.

See my example here:

If you run the JSFiddle example twice you will see it remembers the image.

My approach does use jQuery. This approach also demonstrates the image is actually there to prove it worked.


<input class="classhere" type="file" name="logo" id="logo" />
<div class="imagearea"></div>


  //You might want to do if check to see if localstorage set for theImage here
  var img = new Image();                
  img.src = localStorage.theImage;


      //Equivalent of getElementById
      var fileInput = $(this)[0];//returns a HTML DOM object by putting the [0] since it's really an associative array.
      var file = fileInput.files[0]; //there is only '1' file since they are not multiple type.

      var reader = new FileReader();
      reader.onload = function(e) {
           // Create a new image.
           var img = new Image();

           img.src = reader.result;
           localStorage.theImage = reader.result; //stores the image to localStorage

       reader.readAsDataURL(file);//attempts to read the file in question.

This approach uses the HTML5 File System API's to read the image and put it into a new javascript img object. The key here is readAsDataURL. If you use chrome inspector you will notice the images are stored in base64 encoding.

The reader is Asynchronous, this is why it uses the callback function onload. So make sure any important code that requires the image is inside the onLoad or else you may get unexpected results.

You could use this lib:

then do something similar to this:

//Set file
var baseFile = $.base64.encode(fileObject);

//get file
var outFile = window.localStorage.getItem("file");

an other solution would be using json (I prefer this method) using:

//Set file

//get file
var outFile = $.evalJSON(window.localStorage.getItem("file"));

You cannot serialize file API object.

Not that it helps with the specific problem, but ... Although I haven't used this, if you look at the article it seems that there are ways (although not supported yet by most browsers) to store the offline image data to some files so as to restore them afterward when the user is online (and not to use localStorage)

Convert it to base64 and then save it.

function gotPhoto(element) {
   var file = element.files[0];
   var reader = new FileReader()
   reader.onload = function(base64) {
      localStorage["file"] = base64;
// Saved to localstorage

function getPhoto() {
   var base64 = localStorage["file"];
   var base64Parts = base64.split(",");
   var fileFormat = base64Parts[0].split(";")[1];
   var fileContent = base64Parts[1];
   var file = new File([fileContent], "file name here", {type: fileFormat});
   return file;
// Retreived file object