How do I set custom resize handles with jQuery UI?

The solution is not mine, but it shows exactly what the problem and the solution is:

<p><a href="">jQuery UI #4310</a> - Custom resizable handles do not work unless the ui-resizable-xy and ui-resizable-handle classes are added.</p>

<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>

<div class="container">
    <div class="border bottom_right ui-resizable-se ui-resizable-handle"></div>

    $(function() {
           handles: { se: '.bottom_right' } 

For me it works! :)

Your custom handle syntax is wrong. This works for me:

   var reposition = '';
   $(function() {
    $( ".resizable" ).resizable({
     containment: "#viewPage",
     handles: { 'e': '.ui-resizable-e', 's': '.ui-resizable-s', 'se': '.ui-resizable-se'},
     resize: function(event, ui){
       reposition = ui.position;