How do I set the size of the X mouse pointer in the Windows Subsystem for Linux

The following works, though might not be the best solution. Install package big-cursor

sudo apt-get install big-cursor

Then go to the directory you installed VcXsrv in, to the directory fonts/misc (e.g C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\fonts\misc), rename the file cursor.pcf.gz to cursor-small.pcf.gz, and then copy, from the linux system, /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/big-cursor.pcf.gz to cursor.pcf.gz in the fonts/misc directory on the Windows side (where VcXsrv resides)

I'm sure there is a more elegant way to do this, but on my machine it works.

Set cursor size with this variable:

export XCURSOR_SIZE=64

Run this command in linux terminal. Choose suitable size: 16, 32, 64. To persist this settings between terminal sessions, add this command in ~/.bashrc.

I've tested this solution with VcXsrv and X410 X-Servers.