How do I show the equation formula again instead of its number of ref?

This might be a solution, but I don't see how it would help the reader.

  \@ifundefined{repeatable@#1}{NOT FOUND}{$\@nameuse{repeatable@#1}$}%



This is seen in \eqrepeat{eq:good}.


However it seems from your comments that you want something more complicated; please be more specific in your question.

enter image description here

I just found this question that was asked earlier: Is it possible to re-insert a LaTeX equation by label?

It cites "Equation Reuse" from LaTeX-Community Forum as a solution.




%defining the box
%filling the box
  a &= b\\
  &= c\\
  &= d\\
  &= e\\
  &= f

%using the box

%using the box

%using the box


Hope this helps!

