How do I simulate a hover with a touch in touch enabled browsers?
OK, I've worked it out! It involves changing the CSS slightly and adding some JS.
Using jQuery to make it easy:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.hover').on('touchstart touchend', function(e) {
In english: when you start or end a touch, turn the class hover_effect
on or off.
Then, in your HTML, add a class hover to anything you want this to work with. In your CSS, replace any instance of:
element:hover {
element:hover, element.hover_effect {
And just for added usefulness, add this to your CSS as well:
.hover {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
To stop the browser asking you to copy/save/select the image or whatever.
All you need to do is bind touchstart on a parent. Something like this will work:
$('body').on('touchstart', function() {});
You don't need to do anything in the function, leave it empty. This will be enough to get hovers on touch, so a touch behaves more like :hover and less like :active. iOS magic.