How do I split an int into its digits?

Reversed order digit extractor (eg. for 23 will be 3 and 2):

while (number > 0)
    int digit = number%10;
    number /= 10;
    //print digit

Normal order digit extractor (eg. for 23 will be 2 and 3):

std::stack<int> sd;

while (number > 0)
    int digit = number%10;
    number /= 10;

while (!sd.empty())
    int digit =;
    //print digit

Given the number 12345 :

5 is 12345 % 10
4 is 12345 / 10 % 10
3 is 12345 / 100 % 10
2 is 12345 / 1000 % 10
1 is 12345 / 10000 % 10

I won't provide a complete code as this surely looks like homework, but I'm sure you get the pattern.

