How do I turn off source maps for Angular 6 ng test?

You can use

CLI v6.0.8 and above --source-map=false

CLI v6.x --sourceMap=false

CLI v1.x --sourcemaps=false

Angular CLI v6.x reads --source-map as --sourceMap. So both --source-map and --sourceMap works for me for CLI v6.0.8

Go to package.json Change "test":"ng test" to "test":"ng test --source-map=false" to turn off sourcemaps.

Please note it shoud be --source-map and not --source-maps.

Angular CLI changing this param from version to version as per this answer:

CLI v6.0.8 and above

CLI v6.0.x early versions

CLI v1.x

Shortcut ng test -sm=false might also work

In case if you are on the latest CLI and none of above works you can always check the Options section at for the recent param name