How do I use adb grant or adb revoke?

To Add:

adb shell pm grant android.permission.READ_PROFILE

To Remove:

adb shell pm revoke android.permission.READ_PROFILE

This changed at the release of Android M, so in Lollipop (at original time of writing answer) you needed to do adb shell first.

adb shell 
pm grant android.permission.READ_PROFILE

A full list of permissions can be found here. If you have android build tools set up you can see what permissions the app is using. First use

adb shell pm list packages -f

Then copy the package to you computer:

adb pull /path/to/package/from/previous/step.apk

Then get permissions:

aapt d permissions path/to/app/on/computer.apk

If you happen to not know the name of permission or want to clear all permissions you can use

adb shell pm reset-permissions

WARNING: This will reset run-time permissions for all the apps on your phone. You cannot reset for a specific package.

So here's a little command line (mac/linux) to grant your app all of the permissions it requires from the command line.

aapt d permissions ./path/to/your.apk \
  | sed -n \
    -e "s/'//g" \
    -e "/^uses-permission: name=android.permission\./s/^[^=]*=//p" \
  | xargs -n 1 adb shell pm grant com.your.package