How do i use coordinators with a UIITabBarController?
I want to share an example for this question. My approach a little bit different and TabCoordinator
not contains everything in his body. Instead of this, every coordinator has relation with its controller and in every UIViewController
(in tabbar controller) has its UITabBarController
reference like delegation pattern.
class Coordinator {
var navigationController: UINavigationController?
var childCoordinators: [Coordinator] = [Coordinator]()
init(with navigation: UINavigationController) {
self.navigationController = navigation
func start() {}
Then here is the coordinators.
Home Coordinator
final class HomeCoordinator: Coordinator {
var currentController: HomeController?
weak var tabController: TabController?
override init(with navigation: UINavigationController) {
super.init(with: navigation)
currentController = HomeController()
currentController?.coordinator = self
override func start() {
navigationController?.pushViewController(currentController ?? UIViewController(),
animated: true)
public func getHomeData() {
About Coordinator
final class AboutCoordinator: Coordinator {
var currentController: AboutController?
weak var tabController: TabController?
override init(with navigation: UINavigationController) {
super.init(with: navigation)
currentController = AboutController()
currentController?.coordinator = self
override func start() {
navigationController?.pushViewController(currentController ?? UIViewController(),
animated: true)
public func getAboutData() {
final class TabController: UITabBarController {
weak var coordinator: MainTabCoordinator?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let navigationController1 = UINavigationController()
let coordinator1 = HomeCoordinator(with: navigationController1)
coordinator1.tabController = self
coordinator1.currentController?.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: "HOME",
image: nil,
tag: 11)
let navigationController2 = UINavigationController()
let coordinator2 = AboutCoordinator(with: navigationController2)
coordinator2.tabController = self
coordinator2.currentController?.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: "ABOUT",
image: nil,
tag: 22)
viewControllers = [
tabBar.barTintColor = UIColor.white
tabBar.isTranslucent = false
public func requestFromHomeController() {
print("Home Triggered the function")
coordinator?.fetchHome(with: "Simple Data",
completion: { (dictionary, error) in
print("dict from home -> ", dictionary)
public func requestFromAboutController() {
print("About Triggered the function")
coordinator?.handleAbout(with: "Simple Data",
completion: { (dictionary, error) in
print("dict from about -> ", dictionary)
Prepare the app from AppDelegate
in application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function
let appNavigationController = UINavigationController()
let tabCoordinator = MainTabCoordinator(with: appNavigationController ?? UINavigationController())
window?.rootViewController = appNavigationController
Here is the AboutController
final class AboutController: UIViewController{
weak var coordinator: AboutCoordinator?
// define a button and add its target to handleButton function
@objc private func handleButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ui settings
final class MainTabCoordinator: Coordinator {
var currentController: TabController?
override init(with navigation: UINavigationController) {
super.init(with: navigation)
self.currentController = TabController()
currentController?.coordinator = self
override func start() {
navigationController?.pushViewController(currentController ?? UIViewController(),
animated: true)
func fetchHome(with title: String, completion: @escaping (_ result: Dictionary<String,Any>, _ error: NSError?) -> ()) {
completion(["ss":"ss"], nil)
func handleAbout(with title: String, completion: @escaping (_ result: Dictionary<String,Any>, _ error: NSError?) -> ()) {
completion(["ss":"ss"], nil)
The working schema is like that below:
---> triggered action ---> AboutCoordinator
---> TabBarController reference
has request to about action ----> MainTabCoordinator
handle works.
My Coordinator structure is a different than yours, but it might help you. In my case, the Coordinator protocol has a rootViewController
property which points to that Coordinator's ViewController.
My AppCoordinator
then persists a TabCoordinator
, which looks somewhat like this: (In the real code, the persisted coordinators are NavigationCoordinators
, which are special Coordinators that hold NavigationControllers. In this example I just added the ViewControllers and removed memory management stuff to make it easier to understand.)
final class TabCoordinator: NSObject, Coordinator {
var rootViewController: UIViewController {
return tabController
let tabController: UITabBarController
let homeCoordinator: HomeCoordinator
let historyCoordinator: HistoryCoordinator
let profileCoordinator: ProfileCoordinator
var coordinators: [Coordinator] {
return [homeCoordinator, historyCoordinator, profileCoordinator]
init(client: HTTPClient, persistence: Persistence) {
tabController = UITabBarController()
homeCoordinator = HomeCoordinator(client: client, persistence: persistence)
historyCoordinator = HistoryCoordinator(client: client, persistence: persistence)
profileCoordinator = ProfileCoordinator(client: client, persistence: persistence)
var controllers: [UIViewController] = []
let homeViewController = homeCoordinator.rootViewController
homeViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: Localization.homeTab.string, image: Asset.iconMenuRecharge.image, selectedImage: Asset.iconMenuRechargeActivated.image)
let historyViewController = historyCoordinator.rootViewController
historyViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: Localization.walletTab.string, image: Asset.iconMenuWallet.image, selectedImage: Asset.iconMenuWalletActivated.image)
let profileViewController = profileCoordinator.rootViewController
profileViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: Localization.profileTab.string, image: Asset.iconMenuProfile.image, selectedImage: Asset.iconMenuProfileActivated.image)
tabController.viewControllers = controllers
tabController.tabBar.isTranslucent = false
tabController.delegate = self
So basically, your TabBarController is a TabCoordinator whose's rootViewController
is a TabBarController. The TabCoordinator instantiates the relevant Coordinators and add their respective rootViewControllers
to the tab.
Here's a basic implementation of the NavigationCoordinator
class NavigationCoordinator: NSObject, Coordinator {
public var navigationController: UINavigationController
public override init() {
self.navigationController = UINavigationController()
self.navigationController.view.backgroundColor = .white
public var rootViewController: UIViewController {
return navigationController
And a basic version of a Coordinator
public protocol Coordinator: class {
var rootViewController: UIViewController { get }