How do I use roxygen to document a R package that includes a function with the same name?

via @hadley, "don’t use @ name hello. That overrides default naming" and "sometimes you need to restart R because there’s something buggy with devtools and dev docs"

So, if I change my hello.R file to this:

#' hello
#' This is a mostly empty package to learn roxygen documentation.
#' Hello allows me to learn how to write documentation in comment blocks
#' co-located with code.

#' hello
#' This function returns "Hello, world!".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hello()

hello <- function() {
  print("Hello, world!")

then document() makes hello-package.Rd and hello.Rd files. After I load library(hello), then package?hello provides package documentation, and ?hello provides function documentation, as I was shooting for!

Thank you once again, @hadley!