How do I write an async unit test method in F#

So after a bit of research, it turns out that this is more difficult than it ought to be.

That being said a workaround was mentioned. This seems kinda lame but, it looks like declaring a task delegate outside as a member and leveraging it is a viable work around.

The examples mentioned in the thread:

open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

let toTask computation : Task = Async.StartAsTask computation :> _

member x.``Test``() = toTask <| async {
    do! asyncStuff()


open System.Threading.Tasks
open NUnit.Framework

let toAsyncTestDelegate computation = 
    new AsyncTestDelegate(fun () -> Async.StartAsTask computation :> Task)

member x.``TestWithNUnit``() = 
    Assert.ThrowsAsync<InvalidOperationException>(asyncStuff 123 |> toAsyncTestDelegate)
    |> ignore

member x.``TestWithFsUnit``() = 
    asyncStuff 123 
    |> toAsyncTestDelegate
    |> should throw typeof<InvalidOperationException>

XUnit had a similar problem and did come up with a solution:

So you should be able to do this in xunit

let ``my async test``() =
  async {
    let! x = someAsyncCall()

Sorry if this is not the most satisfying answer.

open Xunit

let ``my async test``() =
  async {
    do! Async.AwaitTask(someAsyncCall())|> Async.Ignore