How do I write comments in a SpecFlow Feature?

also, if you want to perform multiline comments in an easy way (on visual studio),

you can select the lines to be commented, and hit CTRL+K+C to comment, CTRL+K+U to Uncomment.

As stated by sarfest above - its simply #-sign for comments.

There are no multiline comments but that's easily solved if you can do a vertical selection (hold down ALT-key and select in Visual Studio). Vertical select and the enter a #-sign.

Additional information: the line has to start with a #, and optionally any whitespace. This means you cannot combine comments with actual code on the same line.

thank you for the wonderful idea. I just need to press ALT and select the entire lines (just the little space which holds only one character space in each line) and then enter # which result from xyz abc to

'# xyz'

'# abc'

