How do I write EF.Functions extension method?

EFC 3.0 has changed this process a little, as per

Example of adding CHARINDEX in a partial context class:

public partial class MyDbContext
    public static int? CharIndex(string toSearch, string target) => throw new Exception();

    partial void OnModelCreatingPartial(
        ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                args =>
                    SqlFunctionExpression.Create("CHARINDEX", args, typeof(int?), null));

Adding new scalar method to EF.Functions is easy - you simply define extension method on DbFunctions class. However providing SQL translation is hard and requires digging into EFC internals.

However EFC 2.0 also introduces a much simpler approach, explained in Database scalar function mapping section of the New features in EF Core 2.0 documentation topic.

According to that, the easiest would be to add a static method to your DbContext derived class and mark it with DbFunction attribute. E.g.

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    // ...

    public static string Soundex(string s) => throw new Exception();

and use something like this:

string param = ...;
MyDbContext db = ...;
var query = db.Customers
    .Where(e => MyDbContext.Soundex(e.LastName) == MyDbContext.Soundex(param));

You can declare such static methods in a different class, but then you need to manually register them using HasDbFunction fluent API.