How do I write "LaTeX" in LaTeX with the first letter bolded?

Note: There's a similar question and answer here: Color up each letter of \LaTeX word

You can find the definitions of \TeX, \LaTeX and \LaTeXe in latex.ltx (which is really, really surprising ;-) )

Easiest way is to use the definitions and save them as new commands, say \BLaTeX for Bold \LaTeX ;-)

However, the kerning is wrong initially, so I changed it slightly -- please provide own values for the kerning if the given example does not really fit yet regarding personal taste.


  {\sbox\z@ T%
    \vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{\check@mathfonts
  \if b\expandafter\@car\f@series\@nil\boldmath\fi


\BLaTeX\ or \LaTeX

\BLaTeXe\ or \LaTeXe


\BLaTeX\ or \LaTeX

\BLaTeXe\ or \LaTeXe


enter image description here

You can make a small extension to the metalogo package, which enables you to choose a different initial “L”.


% initialize



\LaTeX \BLaTeX \LaTeX






enter image description here

As you see, the commands obey the usual scoping rules. If you want a global redefinition, issue \setLaTeXL{\textbf{L}} in the preamble. Otherwise define \BLaTeX as shown and you'll have available both versions.