How do show my tests passing/failing in Github?

Take a look at Travis CI. You can use it with GitHub.

They have docs on using NodeJS

Those badges you see are called "status images" and Travis provides MarkDown that you can insert into your project's file.

Yes I'm quite sure you mean something like Jenkins or Travis-CI. They work on your github account! On every commit the tests are executed.

Note that since April 26th 2013, you can see the build status on your GitHub repo branch page:

build status on GitHub repo branches

The Commit Status API allows you to use that elsewhere: see " Repo Statuses API".

Starting April 30th, 2013, the API endpoint for commit statuses has been extended to allow branch and tag names, as well as commit SHAs.

CircleCI the status badges are also simply images that you can drop into your file with the markdown. For example:

![Build Status](<your github name>/<repo name>.png?circle-token=:circle-token)


![Build Status](<your github name>/<repo name>.svg?style=shield&circle-token=:circle-token)