How do we count rows using older versions of Hibernate (~2009)?

Here is what official hibernate docs tell us about this:

You can count the number of query results without returning them:

( (Integer) session.createQuery("select count(*) from ....").iterate().next() ).intValue()

However, it doesn't always return Integer instance, so it is better to use java.lang.Number for safety.

You could try count(*)

Integer count = (Integer) session.createQuery("select count(*) from Books").uniqueResult();

Where Books is the name off the class - not the table in the database.

In Java i usually need to return int and use this form:

int count = ((Long)getSession().createQuery("select count(*) from Book").uniqueResult()).intValue();

For older versions of Hibernate (<5.2):

Assuming the class name is Book:

return (Number) session.createCriteria("Book")

It is at least a Number, most likely a Long.