How do you counter a mangudai and paladin combo?

  1. Turn off all tech. Problem solved :P
  2. Exactly what the guy above said about using spearmen+skirmishers, but add in a handful of onagers to do splash damage to the whole bunch of them (needs careful micro not to damage your own troops)
  3. Play Saracen against him (if you know he'll do it)

Here's why Saracen:

Unique is a pimped up camel (Mameluke) - bonus vs cavalry and mounted units. Also - they have access to siege onager, which is just amazing.

Both those units are quite expensive, so fill in the rest of your army with lots of Elite Skirmishers (or spears to help against cav), which are v cheap in comparison. Even a handful of Hussars (only food) to draw the fire - I think that was mentioned already.

Simple, Pikeman and Skirmishers. Skirmishers will beat any type of archers as long as you have them fully upgraded. Pikeman easily takes out any kind of calvary. Control both unit at the same time. If he sends Paly's first, then put your pikemen at the front. It'll be most beneficial if you can blend both your pikemen and skirmishers together, that way your skirms will be able to protect your pikemen from his Mangudais. While your pikemen will protect your skirmishers from his paladins.

Use Byzantine cataphracts for a couple o reasons:

  1. Byzantines reach Imperial Age faster than anybody . That means that you can rush Castles and upgrade your elite unit (Cataphracts) way faster than paladins.

  2. Cataphracts has overall better stats and AoE damage via upgrades.

Pick up a mob of upgraded cataphracts, rush their units and enjoy the ravage.