How do you decide whether to use a library or write your own implementation

Keep it in balance

You should keep several criteria in balance. I'd consider a few topics and ask a few questions.

Developing time VS maintenance time

Can I develop what I need in a few hours? If yes, why do I need a library? If I get a lib am I sure that it will not cause hours spent to debug and documentation reading? The answer - if I need something obvious and straightforward I don't need an extra-flexible lib.

Simplicity VS flexibility

If I need just an error wrapper do I need a lib with flexible types and stack tracing and color prints and.... Nope! Using even beautifully designed but flexible and multipurpose libs could slow your code. If you plan to use 2% of functionality you don't need it.

Dig task VS small task

Did I faced a huge task and I need external code to solve it? Definitely AMQP or SQL operations is too big tasks to develop from scratch but tiny logging could be solved in place. Don't use external libs to solve small tasks.

My own libs VS external libs

Sometimes is better to grow your own library because it is for 100% used, for 100% appropriate your goals, you know it best, it is always up to date with your applications. Don't build your own lib just to be cool and keep in mind that a lot of libs in your vendor directory developed "just to be cool".

General Decision

Before deciding on what to use, I will create a list of criteria that must be met by the library. This could include size, simplicity, integration points, speed, problem complexity, dependencies, external constraints, and license. Depending on the situation the factors involved in making the decision will differ.

Generally, I will hunt for a suitable library that solves the problem before writing my own implementation. If I have to write my own, I will read up on appropriate algorithms and seek ideas from other implementations (e.g., in a different language).

If, after all the aspects described below, I can find no suitable library or source code, and I have searched (and asked on suitable forums), then I will develop my own implementation.


If the task is relatively simple (e.g., a MultiValueMap class), then:

  1. Find an existing open-source implementation.
  2. Integrate the code.
  3. Rewrite it, or trim it down, if it excessive.

If the task is complex (e.g., a flexible object-oriented graphing library), then:

  1. Find an open-source implementation that compiles (out-of-the-box).
  2. Execute its "Hello, world!" equivalent.
  3. Perform any other evaluations as required.
  4. Determine its suitability based on the problem domain criteria.


If the library is too slow, then:

  1. Profile it.
  2. Optimize it.
  3. Contribute the results back to the community.

If the code is too complex to be optimized, and speed is a factor, discuss it with the community and provide profiling details. Otherwise, look for an equivalent, but faster (possibly less feature-rich) library.


If the API is not simple, then:

  • Write a facade and contribute it back to the community.
  • Or find a simpler API.


If the compiled library is too large, then:

  • Compile only the necessary source files.
  • Or find a smaller library.


If the library does not compile out of the box, seek alternatives.


If the library depends on scores of external libraries, seek alternatives.


If there is insufficient documentation (e.g., user manuals, installation guides, examples, source code comments), seek alternatives.

Time Constraints

If there is ample time to find an optimal solution, then do so. Often there is not sufficient time to write from scratch. And usually there are a number of similar libraries to evaluate. Keep in mind that, by meticulous loose coupling, you can always swap one library for another. Find what works, initially, and if it later becomes a burden, replace it.

Development Environment

If the library is tied to a specific development environment, seek alternatives.


Open source.

If it's a trivial function, it's not worth pulling in an entire library.

If it's a non-trivial function, then it may be worth it.

If it's multiple functions which can all be handled by pulling in a single library, it's almost definitely worth it.

10 questions ...

+++ (use library) ... --- (write own library)

  1. Is the library exactly what I need? Customizable in a few steps? +++
  2. Does it provide almost all functionality? Easily extensible? +++
  3. No time? +++
  4. It's good for one half and plays well with other? ++
  5. Hard to extend, but excellent documentation? ++
  6. Hard to extend, yet most of the functionality? +
  7. Functionality ok, but outdated? -
  8. Functionality ok, .. but weird (crazy interface, not robust, ...)? --
  9. Library works, but the person who needs to decide is in the state of hybris? ---
  10. Library works, manageable code size, portfolio needs update? ---

Some thoughts ...

If it is something that is small but useful, probably for others, too, then why now write a library and put it on the web. The cost publishing this kind of small libraries decreased, as well as the hurdle for others to tune in (see bitbucket or github). So what's the criteria?

Maybe it should not exactly replicate an existing already known library. If it replicates something existing, it should approach the problem from new angle, or better it should provide a shorter or more condensed* solution.



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