How do you end with a single quote followed by a double quote?

You have the following options:

enter image description here

Outer double, inner single: ``\thinspace`\ \ldots\ '\thinspace'' \par
Outer single, inner double: `\thinspace``\ \ldots\ ''\thinspace'

The TeX Book mentions (Chapter 2: Book Printing versus Ordinary Typing, p 5): "There's usually less space preceding a single left quote than there is preceding a double left quote. (Left and right are opposites.)"

So, in your instance,

``This is a quote. `Here is a quote within a quote.'\thinspace''

enter image description here

The csquotes package might be helpful.

For nested quotings just nest \enquote{} like this:


\enquote{outer and \enquote{inner}}

nested enquotes (en)

It is also very useful for non-english quotation marks:


\enquote{außen und \enquote{innen}}

nested enquotes (de)

``` '''     % misinterpretation by (La)TeX
``{}` '{}'' % good interpretation (but bad spaces) 