How do you get the document id after adding document in Cloud Firestore in Dart

Using ,You can fetch documentId after adding to FireStore .

CollectionReference users = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('candidates');

      Future<void> registerUser() {
     // Call the user's CollectionReference to add a new user
         return users.add({
          'name': enteredTextName, // John Doe
          'email': enteredTextEmail, // Stokes and Sons
          'profile': dropdownValue ,//
          'date': selectedDate.toLocal().toString() ,//// 42
            .then((value) =>(showDialogNew(
            .catchError((error) => print("Failed to add user: $error"));

@Doug Stevenson was right and calling doc() method will return you document ID. (I am using cloud_firestore 1.0.3)

To create document you just simply call doc(). For example I want to get message ID before sending it to the firestore.

  final document = FirebaseFirestore.instance

I can print and see document's id.


To save it instead of calling add() method, we have to use set().

  await document.set({
    'user': 'test user',
    'text': "test message",
    'timestamp': FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),

You can try the following:

DocumentReference docRef = await 

Since add() method creates new document and autogenerates id, you don't have to explicitly call document() method

Or if you want to use "then" callback try the following:

  final collRef = Firestore.instance.collection('gameLevels');
  DocumentReferance docReference = collRef.document();

  docReferance.setData(map).then((doc) {
    print('hop ${docReferance.documentID}');
  }).catchError((error) {