How do you move the legal sign in mapview
This should work, although I'm not sure whether Apple will allow you to do that
UILabel *attributionLabel = [mapView.subviews objectAtIndex:1]; = CGPointMake(, - 44.0f);
In Swift:
mapView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsMake(top, right, -20, left)
I tested this in OS9 and it works.
Swift 5.2
// -20 will make the legal disclaimer move down. If you want the
// disclaimer to move up, use a positive number.
mapView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: -20, right: 0)
This is still possible in iOS 7, but only (?) if placed in viewDidAppear
The coords are reset if placed in viewDidLoad
or viewWillAppear
UILabel *attributionLabel = [mapView.subviews objectAtIndex:1]; = CGPointMake(, - 44.0f);