How do you reconcile common C++ naming conventions with those of the libraries

Diomidis, I share your pain and have spent a lot of time switching between different schemes over the years, trying to find something that works with the different libraries/frameworks that I use (MFC and/or STL/Boost). When working with a single framework, such as the STL, you can try and copy the naming convention it uses, but when you introduce a different framework, it easily falls apart.

In the end I have adopted a single style for all new code that I write (based on the Google C++ style guidelines) and I refactor older code to use this style when appropriate. You cannot reconcile the different naming conventions very easily, so don't waste time trying. Enforce a scheme for your team/dept./company and stick to it - but don't get hung up on how 'ugly' the code may look when using a mixture of schemes.

The Google C++ guidelines are pretty good IMHO - with some minor amendments. Check the guide out here:

One way it to adopt the C++ naming_convention, this is what most code examples in the literature do nowadays.

I slowly see these conventions move into production code but it's a battle against MFC naming conventions that still prevail in many places.

Other style differences that fight against old standards are using trailing underscores rather than m_ to denote members.

I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to code style, and this has always bothered me. I wish there were a universal standard, but there isn't. In my professional career, I have found that as long as the programmers on an individual project are consistent, that is the best you can hope for.

Ultimately, I think it comes down to knowing from which library a method, object, or function comes from. If you know that, then it becomes easy enough to remember which convention is used by that library, assuming the project doesn't include a lot of libraries. I have tried adapting my own code to match that of the libraries I use, but it is always a moving target and just frustrating in the end.

Why the need to reconcile? As long as the code compiles, and you can get work done, don't worry about it.