How do you reorder a sublist of strings, within a list?

One way:

d /. x : {__String} :>
  SortBy[x, StringReplace[#, {"A5" -> 1, "I" ~~ _ -> 2, "A" ~~ _ -> 3}] &];

% === newd

If you look at the output of StringReplace you will see remaining StringExpression heads, which is less than clean, but because they are all the same they do not affect the sort order.

A variation:

d /. x : {__String} :> 
   SortBy[x, Characters@# /. {{"A", "5"} -> 1, {"I", _} -> 2, {"A", _} -> 3} &];

% === newd

Map[Sort /* RotateLeft, d, {-2}]
% === newd
{{{"A5", "I4", "A2"}, {"A5", "I5", "A4"}}, {{"A5", "I4", "A2"}, {"A5",
    "I5", "A4"}}, {{"A5", "I4", "A2"}, {"A5", "I4", "A4"}}, {{"A5", 
   "I4", "A2"}}, {{"A5", "I4", "A2"}}}


 Map[ReverseSortBy[#, {StringCases["A5"], StringCases[RegularExpression["[I\d]"]]}]&,d,{2}]

{{{A5, I4, A2}, {A5, I5, A4}}, {{A5, I4, A2}, {A5, I5, A4}}, {{A5, I4, A2}, {A5, I4, A4}}, {{A5, I4, A2}}, {{A5, I4, A2}}}

