How do you resolve git conflicts in yarn.lock

Since Yarn 1.0 it's easy because it has built in support for this scenario.

First solve the conflict in package.json manually, then just run this:

$ yarn install

yarn install v1.0.1
info Merge conflict detected in yarn.lock and successfully merged.
[1/4] Resolving packages...

And then the conflict will be resolved and you can commit that or continue rebasing if that was what you were doing.

A good approach is detailed in this github discussion about the issue.

git rebase origin/master

When the first conflict arises, I checkout the yarn.lock then re-perform the installation

git checkout origin/master -- yarn.lock 
yarn install

This generates a new yarn.lock based on the origin/master version of yarn.lock, but including the changes I made to my package.json. Then it's just a matter of:

git add yarn.lock
git rebase --continue