How do you select from mysql where last character in a string = x?

SELECT * FROM `myTable` WHERE `mov_id` LIKE '%1' OR `mov_id` LIKE '%2'

the % character is a wildcard which matches anything (like * in many other places)

If mov_id is a numeric value (TINYINT, INT, etc...) then you should use a numeric operator. For instance, use the modulo operator to keep the last digit

SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE (mov_id MOD 10) IN (1, 2)

If mov_id is a string, you can use LIKE or SUBSTRING(). SUBSTRING() will be slightly faster.

SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE SUBSTRING(mov_id, -1) IN ('1', '2')

If your table is big or that query is frequently run, you should definitely consider adding a column to your table, in which you would store mov_id's last digit/character, and index that column.

