How do you set the default device in the iPhone simulator?

In Xcode 9 you can select multiple devices. However an easy way to default to your favorite device is the following:

  1. Choose your device from simulator-hardware-device-os you are working on
  2. Now go to simulators - windows and turn off “ show device bezel”
  3. Now simply close the ones you don’t want

I got XCode 4 to launch the iPhone simulator instead of the iPad simulator by doing this:

  1. In the "Product" menu, pick "Edit Scheme".
  2. Single-Click "Run *Your_Project_Name* Debug" from the list on the left of the scheme editing window.
  3. At the top of the window notice that the pull-down above "Destination" is set to "iPad 4.3 Simulator".
  4. Change the pull-down to "iPhone 4.3 Simulator".
  5. Click "OK".