How does <*> derived from pure and (>>=)?

Lets start with the type we're implementing:

(<*>) :: Monad f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

(The normal type of <*> of course has an Applicative constraint, but here we're trying to use Monad to implement Applicative)

So in fs <*> as = _, fs is an "f of functions" (f (a -> b)), and as is an "f of as".

We'll start by binding fs:

(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
  = fs >>= _

If you actually compile that, GHC will tell us what type the hole (_) has:

foo.hs:4:12: warning: [-Wtyped-holes]
    • Found hole: _ :: (a -> b) -> f b
      Where: ‘a’, ‘f’, ‘b’ are rigid type variables bound by
               the type signature for:
                 (Main.<*>) :: forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
                               Monad f =>
                               f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
               at foo.hs:2:1-45

That makes sense. Monad's >>= takes an f a on the left and a function a -> f b on the right, so by binding an f (a -> b) on the left the function on the right gets to receive an (a -> b) function "extracted" from fs. And provided we can write a function that can use that to return an f b, then the whole bind expression will return the f b we need to meet the type signature for <*>.

So it'll look like:

(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
  = fs >>= (\f -> _)

What can we do there? We've got f :: a -> b, and we've still got as :: f a, and we need to make an f b. If you're used to Functor that's obvious; just fmap f as. Monad implies Functor, so this does in fact work:

(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
  = fs >>= (\f -> fmap f as)

It's also, I think, a much easier way to understand the way Applicative can be implemented generically using the facilities from Monad.

So why is your example written using another >>= and pure instead of just fmap? It's kind of harkening back to the days when Monad did not have Applicative and Functor as superclasses. Monad always "morally" implied both of these (since you can implement Applicative and Functor using only the features of Monad), but Haskell didn't always require there to be these instances, which leads to books, tutorials, blog posts, etc explaining how to implement these using only Monad. The example line given is simply inlining the definition of fmap in terms of >>= and pure (return)1.

I'll continue to unpack as if we didn't have fmap, so that it leads to the version you're confused by.

If we're not going to use fmap to combine f :: a -> b and as :: f a, then we'll need to bind as so that we have an expression of type a to apply f to:

(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
  = fs >>= (\f -> as >>= (\a -> _))

Inside that hole we need to make an f b, and we have f :: a -> b and a :: a. f a gives us a b, so we'll need to call pure to turn that into an f b:

(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
  = fs >>= (\f -> as >>= (\a -> pure (f a)))

So that's what this line is doing.

  1. Binding fs :: f (a -> b) to get access to an f :: a -> b
  2. Inside the function that has access to f it's binding as to get access to a :: a
  3. Inside the function that has access to a (which is still inside the function that has access to f as well), call f a to make a b, and call pure on the result to make it an f b

1 You can implement fmap using >>= and pure as fmap f xs = xs >>= (\x -> pure (f x)), which is also fmap f xs = xs >>= pure . f. Hopefully you can see that the inner bind of your example is simply inlining the first version.

Applicative is a Functor. Monad is also a Functor. We can see the "Functorial" values as standing for computations of their "contained" ⁄ produced pure values (like IO a, Maybe a, [] a, etc.), as being the allegories of ⁄ metaphors for the various kinds of computations.

Functors describe ⁄ denote notions ⁄ types of computations, and Functorial values are reified computations which are "run" ⁄ interpreted in a separate step which is thus akin to that famous additional indirection step by adding which, allegedly, any computational problem can be solved.

Both fs and as are your Functorial values, and bind ((>>=), or in do notation <-) "gets" the carried values "in" the functor. Bind though belongs to Monad.

What we can implement in Monad with (using return as just a synonym for pure)

do { f <- fs ;       -- fs >>= ( \ f ->     -- fs  :: F (a -> b)   -- f :: a -> b
     a <- as ;       -- as >>= ( \ a ->     -- as  :: F  a         -- a :: a
     return (f a)    -- return (f a) ) )    -- f a ::         b
   }                                        -- ::     F       b

( or, with MonadComprehensions,

    [ f a | f <- fs, a <- as ]

), we get from the Applicative's <*> which expresses the same computation combination, but without the full power of Monad. The difference is, with Applicative as is not dependent on the value f there, "produced by" the computation denoted by fs. Monadic Functors allow such dependency, with

    [ bar x y | x <- xs, y <- foo x ]

but Applicative Functors forbid it.

With Applicative all the "computations" (like fs or as) must be known "in advance"; with Monad they can be calculated -- purely -- based on the results of the previous "computation steps" (like foo x is doing: for (each) value x that the computation xs will produce, new computation foo x will be (purely) calculated, the computation that will produce (some) y(s) in its turn).

If you want to see how the types are aligned in the >>= expressions, here's your expression with its subexpressions named, so they can be annotated with their types,

exp = fs >>= g                                -- fs >>= 
      where  g f = xs >>= h                   --  (\ f -> xs >>=
                   where  h x = return (f x)  --           ( \ x -> pure (f x) ) )

 x   ::    a
 f   ::    a -> b
 f x ::         b
 return (f x) ::      F b
 h   ::    a ->       F b    -- (>>=) :: F a -> (a -> F b) -> F b
 xs  :: F  a                 --          xs     h
                             --           <-----
 xs >>= h ::          F b
 g f ::               F b
 g   ::   (a -> b) -> F b   -- (>>=) :: F (a->b) -> ((a->b) -> F b) -> F b
 fs  :: F (a -> b)          --          fs          g
                            --           <----------
 fs >>= g ::          F b
 exp ::               F b

and the types of the two (>>=) applications fit:

 (fs :: F (a -> b))  >>=  (g :: (a -> b) -> F b)) :: F b
 (xs :: F  a      )  >>=  (h :: (a       -> F b)) :: F b

Thus, the overall type is indeed

foo :: F (a -> b) -> F a -> F b
foo fs xs = fs >>= g                   -- foo = (<*>)
            where  g f = xs >>= h 
                         where  h x = return (f x)

In the end, we can see monadic bind as an implementation of do, and treat the do notation

     do {

abstractly, axiomatically, as consisting of the lines of the form

           a <- F a ;
           b <- F b ;
           n <- F n ;
           return (foo a b .... n)

(with a, F b, etc. denoting values of the corresponding types), such that it describes the overall combined computation of the type F t, where foo :: a -> b -> ... -> n -> t. And when none of the <-'s right-hand side's expressions is dependent on no preceding left-hand side's variable, it's not essentially Monadic, but just an Applicative computation that this do block is describing.

Because of the Monad laws it is enough to define the meaning of do blocks with just two <- lines. For Functors, just one <- line is allowed ( fmap f xs = do { x <- xs; return (f x) }).

Thus, Functors/Applicative Functors/Monads are EDSLs, embedded domain-specific languages, because the computation-descriptions are themselves values of our language (those to the right of the arrows in do notation).

Lastly, a types mandala for you:

                  T    a
                  T   (a  ->     b)
                      (a  ->  T  b)
                  T          (T  b)
                  T              b

This contains three in one:

       F   a                    A    a                  M   a
           a  ->  b             A   (a -> b)                a  ->  M  b
      --------------           --------------          -----------------
       F          b             A         b             M             b