How does work?

I assume you already know what .call and .bind do

toStr is now a function that essentially does:

function toStr( obj ) {
    return Object.prototype.toString, obj );

I.E it .calls the .call function with context argument set to the .toString function. Normally that part is already taken care of because you normally use .call as a property of some function which sets the function as the context for the .call.


  • references the "call" function, which is used to invoke functions with chosen this values;
  • The subsequent .bind refers to the "bind" function on the Function prototype (remember: "call" is a function too), which returns a new function that will always have this set to the passed-in argument.
  • The argument passed to "bind" is the "toString" function on the Object prototype, so the result of that whole expression is a new function that will run the "call" function with this set to the "toString" function.

The result, therefore, is like this code: param ). Then, the "console.log" call passes that function an array, and there you have it.

edit Note that param ) is like param.toString() really, when "param" is an object. When it's not, then the semantics of the "call" function are to turn it into one in the normal ways JavaScript does that (numbers -> Number, strings -> String, etc).

edit, 24 May2016 — That last sentence above is not accurate with ES2015. New JavaScript runtimes do not "autobox" primitive types when those are involved with a function call as a this value.

The two lines of code are a function definition and then execution call of that definition with an empty array passed inside. The complexity lies in interpreting what 'this' will point to and why.

To help deduce the value of this I copied content from two links below to MDN's definitions of call and bind.

The bind() function creates a new function (a bound function) with the same function body as the function it is being called on (the bound function's target function) with the this value bound to the first argument of bind(). Your code looks similar to a 'shortcut function' described on the bind page.

var unboundSlice = Array.prototype.slice; // same as "slice" in the previous example
var slice =;

// ...


With call, you can assign a different this object when calling an existing function. this refers to the current object, the calling object.With call, you can write a method once and then inherit it in another object, without having to rewrite the method for the new object.

When toStr is called it passes in an array to bind, of which the this pointer is bound. With bind(), this can be simplified.

toStr() is a bound function to the call() function of Function.prototype, with the this value set to the toStr() function of Array.prototype. This means that additional call() calls can be eliminated.

In essence, it looks like a shortcut function override to the toString method.