How does Go compile so quickly?

I think it's not that Go compilers are fast, it's that other compilers are slow.

C and C++ compilers have to parse enormous amounts of headers - for example, compiling C++ "hello world" requires compiling 18k lines of code, which is almost half a megabyte of sources!

$ cpp hello.cpp | wc
  18364   40513  433334

Java and C# compilers run in a VM, which means that before they can compile anything, the operating system has to load the whole VM, then they have to be JIT-compiled from bytecode to native code, all of which takes some time.

Speed of compilation depends on several factors.

Some languages are designed to be compiled fast. For example, Pascal was designed to be compiled using a single-pass compiler.

Compilers itself can be optimized too. For example, the Turbo Pascal compiler was written in hand-optimized assembler, which, combined with the language design, resulted in a really fast compiler working on 286-class hardware. I think that even now, modern Pascal compilers (e.g. FreePascal) are faster than Go compilers.

Compilation efficiency was a major design goal:

Finally, it is intended to be fast: it should take at most a few seconds to build a large executable on a single computer. To meet these goals required addressing a number of linguistic issues: an expressive but lightweight type system; concurrency and garbage collection; rigid dependency specification; and so on. FAQ

The language FAQ is pretty interesting in regards to specific language features relating to parsing:

Second, the language has been designed to be easy to analyze and can be parsed without a symbol table.

There are multiple reasons why the Go compiler is much faster than most C/C++ compilers:

  • Top reason: Most C/C++ compilers exhibit exceptionally bad designs (from compilation speed perspective). Also, from compilation speed perspective, some parts of the C/C++ ecosystem (such as editors in which programmers are writing their codes) aren't designed with speed-of-compilation in mind.

  • Top reason: Fast compilation speed was a conscious choice in the Go compiler and also in the Go language

  • The Go compiler has a simpler optimizer than C/C++ compilers

  • Unlike C++, Go has no templates and no inline functions. This means that Go doesn't need to perform any template or function instantiation.

  • The Go compiler generates low-level assembly code sooner and the optimizer works on the assembly code, while in a typical C/C++ compiler the optimization passes work on an internal representation of the original source code. The extra overhead in the C/C++ compiler comes from the fact that the internal representation needs to be generated.

  • Final linking (5l/6l/8l) of a Go program can be slower than linking a C/C++ program, because the Go compiler is going through all of the used assembly code and maybe it is also doing other extra actions that C/C++ linkers aren't doing

  • Some C/C++ compilers (GCC) generate instructions in text form (to be passed to the assembler), while the Go compiler generates instructions in binary form. Extra work (but not much) needs to be done in order to transform the text into binary.

  • The Go compiler targets only a small number of CPU architectures, while the GCC compiler targets a large number of CPUs

  • Compilers which were designed with the goal of high compilation speed, such as Jikes, are fast. On a 2GHz CPU, Jikes can compile 20000+ lines of Java code per second (and the incremental mode of compilation is even more efficient).

Dependency analysis.

The Go FAQ used to contain the following sentence:

Go provides a model for software construction that makes dependency analysis easy and avoids much of the overhead of C-style include files and libraries.

While the phrase is not in the FAQ anymore, this topic is elaborated upon in the talk Go at Google, which compares the dependency analysis approach of C/C++ and Go.

That is the main reason for fast compilation. And this is by design.