How does one change the delay that occurs after entering an incorrect password?

I assume you are using Linux and pam. The delay is probably caused by Check your pam configuration in /etc/pam.d using pam_faildelay, e.g:

# Enforce a minimal delay in case of failure (in microseconds).
# (Replaces the `FAIL_DELAY' setting from login.defs)
# Note that other modules may require another minimal delay. (for example,
# to disable any delay, you should add the nodelay option to pam_unix)
auth       optional  delay=3000000

To change the time adjust the delay parameter. If you want to get rid of the delay you can delete/comment the complete line.

Another source for the delay may be To disable the delay caused by add the nodelay parameter, and optionally add a line calling to add a (variable) delay instead, e.g.:

auth       optional  delay=100000

You need to pass the nodelay parameter to the auth

Depending on how your'e authenticating, where you need to set the parameter varies. However most linux distrubtions have something like /etc/pam.d/system-auth which is included by all the different files.

So for example in /etc/pam.d/system-auth you might have a line that looks like this:

auth            sufficient try_first_pass nullok

This should be changed to:

auth            sufficient try_first_pass nullok nodelay

The module is what performs authentication against /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. If youre using LDAP or some other password backend, you likely should still be setting nodelay on the as that is what controls the prompt (when fails to auth, it usually just passes the password it obtained to the next module).

You can read more about by doing man pam_unix