How does one change the language of the command line interface of Git?

Adding this line solved the problem for me: Update: it seems like more components require a Locale as well now.

$ more ~/.bash_profile

export LANG=en_US (obsolete)

export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" (Updated)

If you just want to have one command in english instead you can just write LC_ALL=C before the command, for example:

LC_ALL=C git status

will result in

# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

The locale as used in C is English and always available without installing additional language packs

To change it for the whole current bash session just enter


To change it for example to german enter


Add these lines to your ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zprofile to force git to display all messages in English:

# Set Git language to English
#alias git='LANG=en_US git'
alias git='LANG=en_GB git'

The alias needs to override LC_ALL on some systems, when the environment variable LC_ALL is set, which has precedence over LANG. See the UNIX Specification - Environment Variables for further explanation.

# Set Git language to English
#alias git='LC_ALL=en_US git'
alias git='LC_ALL=en_GB git'

In case you added these lines to ~/.bashrc the alias will be defined when a new interactive shell gets started. In case you added it to ~/.bash_profile the alias will be applied when logging in.