How does one create an Enterprise CDF in Mathematica 11.2 Enterprise edition?

I find it necessary to use the CDFDeploy function to get Enterprise CDF functionality in 11.2.

I have this defined in a separate notebook:

cdf[notebook_, file_] := Block[{},
  SetOptions[notebook, PrivateNotebookOptions -> {"ShowProductBranding" -> False}];
  CDFDeploy[file, notebook, "Target" -> "PlayerPro", Deployed -> False]]

Then I just need to find the correct notebook in the output of Notebooks[] and cdf it:

(* {NotebookObject["Deploy CDF.nb"], NotebookObject["Untitled-1"], NotebookObject["Messages"]} *)

%[[2]] ~cdf~ "myfile.cdf"

I contacted Wolfram Technical Support. They said the menu commands to create an Enterprise CDF do not create an Enterprise CDF! They were already aware of this problem. Their workaround is to create a new notebook containing the cell:

filepath1 = FileNameJoin[{NotebookDirectory[], "notebookname.cdf"}];
filepath2 = FileNameJoin[{NotebookDirectory[], "notebookname.nb"}];
CDFDeploy[filepath1, filepath2, Deployed -> False];

in the same directory as your Enterprise notebook "notebookname.nb", then evaluate the new notebook. This will create an Enterprise CDF named "notebookname.cdf" that will work in CDF Player.