How does the Strategy Pattern work?


The strategy pattern is used to solve problems that might (or is foreseen they might) be implemented or solved by different strategies and that possess a clearly defined interface for such cases. Each strategy is perfectly valid on its own with some of the strategies being preferable in certain situations that allow the application to switch between them during runtime.

Code Example

namespace StrategyPatterns
  // Interface definition for a Sort algorithm
  public interface ISort
    void Sort(List<string> list)

  // QuickSort implementation
  public class CQuickSorter : ISort
    void Sort(List<string> list)
      // Here will be the actual implementation

  // BubbleSort implementation
  public class CBubbleSort : ISort
    void Sort(List<string> list)
      // The actual implementation of the sort

  // MergeSort implementation
  public class CMergeSort : ISort
    void Sort(List<string> list)
      // Again the real implementation comes here

  public class Context
    private ISort sorter;

    public Context(ISort sorter)
      // We pass to the context the strategy to use
      this.sorter = sorter;

    public ISort Sorter
      get{return sorter;)

  public class MainClass
    static void Main()
       List<string> myList = new List<string>();

       myList.Add("Hello world");
       myList.Add("Another item");
       myList.Add("Item item");

       Context cn = new Context(new CQuickSorter());
       // Sort using the QuickSort strategy
       myList.Add("This one goes for the mergesort");
       cn = new Context(new CMergeSort());
       // Sort using the merge sort strategy

Let's explain the strategy pattern the easy way:

You have a class Car() with a method run(), so you use it this way in a pseudo language:

mycar = new Car()

Now, you may want to change the run() behavior on the fly, while the program is executing. For example, you might want to simulate a motor failure or the use of a "boost" button in a video game.

There are several ways to do this simulation: using conditional statements and a flag variable is one way. The strategy pattern is another: it delegates the behavior of the run() method to another class:

Class Car()
    this.motor = new Motor(this) 

    // passing "this" is important for the motor so it knows what it is running

    method run()

    method changeMotor(motor)
        this.motor = motor 


If you want to change the car's behavior, you can just change the motor. (Easier in a program than in real life, right? ;-) )

It's very useful if you have a lot of complex states: you can change and maintain them much more easily.